Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer) Poems

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The Brotherhood Of The Night Skin

I am the Dark Seer,
the erudite of the Dark Brotherhood.
I say upon my night skin brethren,
I have readied my enchantments,

The Possession.

We, the spawns of hell have no choice.
We roam this barren land,
in seek of a way back.
This filth-strewn land,

A Man's Never Ending Quest

Throughout the ages,
Many brave knights have set forth on a perilous quest in search of the elusive Clit,
Yet few have ever returned,
Even fewer still have dared to tell the tale.

A Lout's Breakup Prose.

Rejoice no more ye daughter of jezebel,
for thy days with me cometh to an end,
and behold I find no more pleasure in thee.
For thy lustful days with me, they draweth to a bitter end,

No Eyes

Child of the earth's soil,
Guardian of the crimson days.
When heads clash in the open air
You stand apart, amused by their tragic folly.

The Human God

I am a god,
Let not this cloak of flesh and fat deceive you.
Within me lies the fabric of space and time,
A fusion of imagination and reality,

A Pound Heavier

Carved unto the walls of the lost,
Statues five-fold pounds more,
Lives among the greens.
An elephant cursed to never lift a foot,

An Artist Notion

Behold there before your eyes,
and see what we saw.
I am the alpha and omega,
With this lens,


Flogged 23 times by the Gods
Were the Pegasus of Eatos
My obsession of insanity
My darkest sorrows

A Letter To My Ancestors

Looking sharply at the setting sun.
The reddish yellow color brimming of diversity.
The rock I turned into my throne,
Urgently eroding away into mystery.

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