Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Friday Opus

Friday Evening Opus

The blaze in the fireplace burns with easiness, but
without mercy burnt my old boots to grey cinders.

The Big Eve

Tracer bullets on the night sky Aleppo seen
From a hotel veranda, I hear screams, but
It is the raucous laughter of too much wine

A Pair Of Shoes

A pair of Shoes
She was nine years old wore a cotton dress, barefoot and had her
picture taken. Her mother had bought her a pair of new shoes,
and the shoes were so lovely she didn´t want to put them on yet.

Love Counsellor

Love counsellor

So he thinks it is easy, the man who gives advice to married
and loveless couples. What does he know, goes home switches

The Placid People

The Placid People

Portugal one of the most unequal countries in Europe is going through
the throes of austerity but this doesn´t concern the rich who do not

Looking For Heroes

Looking for Heroes.
This small country with a glorious past so sceptical
of the present a longing for what once was and
will never come back; a country which songs echoes

The Almond Tree And Prisoners

Almond Tree and Prisoners
As a child I lived near a farm a farm that was
next door to a prison camp. Russian prisoners
marched up and down trying to keep warm

The Yard

Thoughts in the Backyard
The sky is white today but the sun gets through
warms my face where I in the backyard and enjoy
the good village´s peace and harmony.

Ungrateful World

Afternoon the sky was blue to the point of banality and
clouds are silk dreams are made of when I saw a rat
cross the village road; it was aiming for the overgrown

New Tanka And Senryu

It is amazing
How many things happen
In a tiny village

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