Pascal Umekwe Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In Your Memory

Hold me in your memories before you hold me in your arms
For your arms long and strong may be too short
Your body smooth and soft and silky
From mine may be peeled apart by a lacerating distance


How dare you ask me to share my song?
This single song I found without you.
How could I compound my joys in stocks that you sell?
How could I share my song with you and not soil its rhythm?

Ripples Of The Yukon

By the waters of the Yukon
I washed my hands
Immersing a prayer down the tunnel of my index finger
Slimy with a thousand thoughts in my heart

World Peace

The world will someday mix
That will be the definition of world peace
Time will teach forgiveness
And a people who learn their lesson faster than the hints of revenge will hasten the pace of peace

Wind-Child Or Fire-Child

I have walked through hills and valleys
I have walked from peaks as tough as 6am risings
As steep as 7pm worry calls from home
Now in the gutter of time I look around

Red Carpet

You fertilized my mind with many options
Because of you my heart sprouted a thousand possibilities
You ushered me into a world where the unattainable was dead
With you a trip through the jungle was a joyful promenade

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