Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Death - Tears Are Not Enough

A man demanding white supremacy stands with a gun
Church goers cower as bullets speak their evil done
A grand-mother, coach and preacher breathe their last
Tears are not enough surely the day of the gun has past

Haiku - The Same Words

Words can be hurtful
The same words can heal as well
Which do you choose now


I remember my first cuddle from her
As she held me in her arms as I stirred
And how she was always there
My Mum whom I know did care

Lest We Forget

If we don't want to fight
Why do we make weapons so right
And we plot and scheme
About defeating an enemy as our dream

Australia - South Australian Skies

The azure blue sky in the blazing sun we adore
The warm clear days where wedge tail eagles soar
See the sparkling blue waters in the Gulfs and Bight
Stand in the Red Centre with a million stars at night

Musings - The Three Deaths

David Eagleman had a philosophy for death
The first death is when you take your last breath
And your body ceases to function
The second death is your funeral conjunction

Love- Would You Die For Me?

Would you die for me?
She asked of me
If there was no other way for me
Would you give you life for me?

Fun - Cats Are Crazy

We have a cat at home who just lies around
He is fluffy and white and not mentally sound
Sleeping soundly is his forte with food as his hobby
When he walks along he looks quite fat and flabby

Police – Don’t Turn Your Back In A Knife Fight

One Sunday afternoon we got the call
To an address where the neighbours heard a brawl
Of shouting and fighting from inside the house
When we parked in the street it was quiet as a mouse

Australia - Stop The Boats

What does it mean in the list of quotes
We have stopped the boats!
Is it that no more people will die?
Or is it that they don't jump the line in a lie?

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