Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Laughter - Leave Work And Let Laughter Ring

One day drop everything
Leave work and let your laughter ring
Go collect the people you love
And hit the road with the sunshine above

Cars - Vehicles And People

The vehicles that matched people with a bang
Like Steve McQueen and the fastback Mustang
Then there was Alan Moffat and the GTHO Falcon
And Peter Fonda as Captain American riding a Harley on

Franklin D Roosevelt was the greatest American President
Who contracted polio and spent life as a wheelchair resident
There were two positions in which he was filmed in his time
In a car moving about with people thinking he was fine

World - What Will Be Left Of These Times

What will be left of these modern times
Will it be that we have scientific wonders to find
With better medicines to help the sick
And a thousand wonders from which you can pick

World - Look And Do Something Romantic

Some things that you haven't done seem so romantic
Taking a caravan with camels across the desert not frantic
Perhaps a long voyage on a full masted sailing ship
Around Cape of Good Hope on such a dangerous trip

Life - Were You A Shooting Star Across The Sky

Were you a shooting star across the sky
Or were you the moon as it gently glides by
Did you see those wondrous things this world has to offer
Or were there other things that you needed to line your coffer

Haiku - Gentle Cool Breeze Blows

Gentle cool breeze blows
Across my face in relief
From Summer's hot breath.

Life's Journey - What Would You Do If You Started Again?

What would you do if you started again?
Would the road be the same to your journey's end?
The decisions that you made so urgent then
Now don't seem so right now that you need to defend

Science Fiction - The Neutron Accelerator

The new neutron accelerator was laid out in a tunnel underground
Stretching for five miles from the Physics Institute as it circled around
It was new science for them and they were careful in what occurred
As a ten year project sponsored by the military was explored

On the South African veld the British went to war and couldn't wait
With the free Boer settlers in Transvaal and Orange Free state
These hardy people were independent settlers from the Great Trek
When they left the British at the Cape not wanting to be British in their set

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