Paul Warren Poems

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Run Away

Stay and have your say
There is no need to run away
For to leave will mean they win
And you have to begin again

The Legend Of The Cast Iron Guts

This story is one of great rapport
About a boy and a pasty long told evermore
And an auntie who really couldn't cook
Who made a pasty right out of a cook book

Look Around

Just slide along
No-one will notice
The herd is going your way
They won't even know

She's Only Lonely

She was so lonely it touched her soul
At night when the lights were out
All she could do was toss and turn
Thinking of what might have been

Alexander The Beetle

Alfred the beetle like to eat
Finding a nice crumb made his morning complete
So he would scurry and tarry about
Looking for food and was happy to sing and shout

Old Friends And Colleagues

The gray is more than less
And the feelings are not always for the best
Each utterance permeates through
As thought reaches a crescendo too

The Cold Grey Remains

The rain trickles down
Slowly on grimy gutters found
But the sun will shine again
As a promise made without end


A tiny touch within a mother's hand
With bullets flying from a terrorist stand
The hands now cold never warm again
Their only crime as Muslim family and friends

Valhalla Speaks Hate

Hate-speak wins again
Unarmed people shot unable to defend
As they pray together in their Mosque
How can you add up this cost?

Tasmania In The Sun

I'm just waitin' on the sun
A warm hope for having fun
Crystal blue sea on Coles Bay
Lapping the water's edge all day

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