Peace Okhomina

Peace Okhomina Poems

Rain oh Rain
When will thy come to wash my pain?
Rain oh Rain
I have been in tears all-day

Sad like the cloud
I pour out tears like rain
Not because I am hurt
But because I miss someone a lot

In my grief and lamentation
I felt love and care
Even in my deepest despair
I will remember the revelation.


STARS high up in the sky,
To get one you need to fly,
A STAR can be who you are inside,
It's inside you it's not hard to find.

A day you remember
A day you become older
Your wildest smile, your laughter.
Friends remember you

Daylight has ended
The moon took advantage
The streets are cleared
But the homeless remain

Like a stamp to a letter
That is how we stay together
We share something very special
Something that we share with no other

The Best Poem Of Peace Okhomina

Rain Oh Rain

Rain oh Rain
When will thy come to wash my pain?
Rain oh Rain
I have been in tears all-day
Rain oh Rain
Please do not go far away
Rain oh Rain
Release thy fresh water upon me
Rain oh Rain
Melt the ice and make me chill
Rain oh Rain
Wet the earth and make its plants bloom
Rain oh Rain
Let thy freshness embrace the earth
Rain oh Rain
Make me happy and filled with joy
Rain oh Rain
For thy presence, I wait.

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