Peter S. Quinn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
There Is No Answer

There is no answer
To say or do to everybody
And the hour is of create
Therefore it won't wait

Circling Around

Circling around the city
Every day to somewhere
Up and down - the streets ditty
Blowing whistles here and there!

Much Of Inside - Sonnet

It's so much of inside this everything
That my heart is always wondering about
And thoughts from that brief time thereon will sing
With their drifting going by and without doubt

Make It Come True

Make it come true
What you want to do
Anything can be
If it becomes free

So Many Words – Sonnet

So many words are like the music playing
Finding their combinations of given thought
With every phrasing and each their saying
That in its timelessness together brought

Winter Dream - Sonnet

Beautiful dreams within the forest song
Timeless space of leaves on winter's day
Breezing the white silvery threads away
With each its pondering fancy dream long


I am this love song
that I know.

The river of love,

Into Reality (To Oscar Act 5)

Everything that goes up comes down same
Winning and losing is exactly what it acclaim
So try what you want to its going to be
What you thought different isn't differently

There Is This Time (To Oscar Act 5)

There is this time for everything
Giving and coming good fortune bring
Filling out timer and making us sing

O Night (To Oscar Act 5)

O night
Reach out to me
Give stars bright
Sky of free

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