Peter S. Quinn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet 68, I See The Summer Sweetness

I see the summer sweetness, in your eyes:
Heavenly blue, green meadows, and dark soil;
You are of the earth, and soul that never dies,
None of your feelings, that touched me shall foil.

Dagarnir Eru Úti Saman

dagarnir eru úti saman
og vornóttin kemur bráðum

en nú er úti vetur

Hér Inni

það er sálar ró
hér inni
því hingað koma sjúkir
til að læknast

Haustlag Handa Lindu

kannski manstu ekkert af því
þú sem ætlaðir þér að muna
þau hljóð sem eyru þín námu
um haustlag, um vetur

Heyr Mína Helgu Bæn

heyr mína helgu bæn
sem hjarta mitt á
hún er bæði bljúg og væn
vér biðjum til að sjá

Söngur Bílstjórans

ákjósanleg, kannski

bíll suzuki fullt tungl

Dagrenning Rís

dagrenning rís
dags himna dís
leikur í ljósum
lífs bjarta tíð

Sonnet 67, I See The Lonely Dreams

I see the lonely dreams in the shadows,
Every night when they are there on their own;
Playful events in memory still glows,
But their feelings are nowhere found or shown.

Sonnet 143, Some Of Our Dreams

Some of our dreams are just for stars tonight,
Those sit on heavens high and shine and glow;
They are like the angels - our guiding light,
Who shall shine brightest we never will know.

Sonnet 147, Summer Blossoms Wither

Summer blossoms wither, in death they hide,
Light will go into dark and disappear;
Growth fades away with some early premiere,
Of few seeds that with the winter collide.

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