Peter S. Quinn Poems

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Become Someone

In shadows cast, a silhouette unknown,
A whispered name, a tale yet to be spun,
I step beyond the veil, my path my own,
To weave my story, under moon and sun.

Times Are Changing

The winds of change are ever so strong,
Blowing through the years, reshaping our ways.
What once was right, now may be deemed wrong,
As time marches on and alters our days.

Always Here

O your sweet memories, like whispered breeze,
They linger in the chambers of my heart,
Soft echoes of our laughter, love's sweet tease,
In quiet moments, never to depart.

Heart's Pulse

Heart's pulse, a rhythm deep within my chest,
A symphony of life, a whispered song,
Each beat a dance, a secret love confessed,
A melody that carries me along.

The Night Is Here

The night is here with dreams that softly gleam,
A velvet cloak adorned with stars so bright,
In whispered tones, it weaves a gentle theme,
Of moonlit paths and shadows kissed by light.

The Grasshopper

In fields of green where sunlight softly drops,
A tiny creature leaps with boundless glee,
The grasshopper that hops and hops and hops,
A marvel of the summer, wild and free.

Night Full Of Fairytales

In sleep's embrace, where dreams and tales entwine,
The night unfolds its stories, soft and sweet,
With whispers of a world where stars align,
And fairies dance on moonlit paths so fleet.

Moments So Close And Dear

Moments so close and dear
The flowering summer height
This time of blossoming year
In colors of burning bright

Where Do You Think Beauty Comes From

Where do you think beauty comes from?
If not from gardens of flowers
With its many purple red looking blossom
The tinctures of each day hours

I Am Transparent

I am transparent
Like stone in the mud
I am transparent
Like cloud in the sky

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