Cj Heck Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Poet For A Lover (Adult)

Give me a poet for a lover
whose words stroke me like velvet hands.
Word-tender caresses more reaching
than the caress of a mere mortal man.

Anatomy Of A Poet

Go in through the eyes of a poet
deep into her alphabet mind.
Ideas like flotsam and jetsam
dodge poetry fragments and lines.

Night-Night (Children)

Night-night moon
Night-night stars
Night-night noisy
trucks and cars.

A Box For Good Will

As a friend, I had come to help
yet one more time
and I watched as she set
the cardboard box on the floor.


Life is full of crossroads,
the hard lefts or rights,
and little pathways
of curves, this way or that.

A Man I Knew

There was a man I knew
and just knowing him
made me think of poetry.

The Money Tree (Children)

I dreamed I grew a money tree
outside in my yard.
My job was to care for it
and I worked very hard.

Dancing Fairies (Children)

On warm dark nights I think I see
beneath the weeping willow tree,
the fairies dancing in the grass
on tiny feet that fly so fast.

Butterfly's Lesson

Oh Mama look, a flutterby.
(her tiny hand held it out to me) .
She grasped it firmly in her fist,
afraid to set it free.

Angel In My Pocket (Children)

There's an angel in my pocket
who is watching over me,
just a little voice down deep inside
that I can hear, not see.

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