Mustafa Marconi Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Remember The Holocaust

Mr. Johnson you silly little boy
Disregard those outrageous assumptions
The hands of time will continue to progress
So only you are to blame for your failures my son

Heavy Conversations

Heavy conversation
You’ve shared with me
Gives me inspiration
Deep inside my soul

America Her Rise And Fall

America your kingdom calls
America her rise and fall
Oh America land of the free
Mighty protector

Back To Where I'M From

I’m going back home soon
Going back to where I’m from
I’m a financially unstable man
With a child soon to come


What’s up beautiful
Long time no see
Been passing by from time to time
Searching patiently

America, Are You Happy

Gazing ahead I dare not ponder
The destructive significance of this situation
Tell me America, are you happy?
Or are you still entranced by rhetoric

Backstreet Blues

Goodbye my lady, I hate to leave you
Have to flee this scene again
Hold on to this, for the hard times
Backstreet blues about to sing

Young Man, Older Woman

Hey young girl
Stop teasing me
This is not
How our love should be

Family Comes First

In the year of the dragon
Destiny caressed her hopes
He entered inconspicuously
Shadowed by his friends

Beneath The Ocean's Wave

They’re trying to hold us back
They’re trying to discourage us
But you can’t stop the rain from falling
You can’t stop the winds from blowing

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