Herbert Dry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
End Of The Day

When at the end of my
closing day

Let not the sound of sad

Nature's Queen

Golden strands of hair moved by a gentle breeze blue
eyes with depth as the seven
She walks in moon light across the meadows and into

Little Bird

Taps A Bugle Plays

When you serve your country and you feel
so alone

Remember brave soldier it's to late to come

I Love You Still

The tears that are falling tonight is just another way of
saying I love you still
Tears turned silver in the last rays of light is just another way
of saying I love you still

The Last Memory Of You

I walked by were you lived years ago there's
nothing there now just empty space
I look back through the yesteryears standing
where I stood years ago I still see your face

Surrounded By People And Yet Alone

A stranger tried to revive her but to
no avail
A stranger stopped to help but all
efforts failed

The Old Church Building And The Old Man

The old church building has stood here for almost
a hundred years
It's days of glory are over now no one
comes near

The Barren Land

Oh barren land you lay desolate, your greenness and fertility
laid waste, your hills are stripped of tree and bush, you drink the blood of the fallen you have heard the cries of man

Your face is scared with shell and bomb, your grassland lay parched

My Land

My beloved land divided by hands of deceit, hearts of man corrupted
by unquenchable thirst for power and wealth, the common man counted as naught cast aside.
Yet upon the shoulders of the common people were you formed, you were nurtured by sweat and blood you became a light for the stranger, from distant lands they came to be a part of a great land.
Now o' land you are as the homeless that live on the streets of disrepair you cry for justice for the common people yet they are cast

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