charlotte marie peachey Poems

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I Will Always Be A Victim Of Sexual Abuse

Tears are always running down my face
I hang my head low thinking 'what a disgrace? '
The tears are coming from all the damage you caused
What do you want now, a round of applause?

Die For Love

i sit in a park where i dwell,
for this boy i love so well.
he took my heart away from me,
now he wants to set me free.

Alone Again

give me fire,
give me wind,
forgive me father
for i have sinned.

You Promised You Wouldnt Hurt Me

You promised you wouldn’t hurt me
You swore you would always be true
And now I look around
And I can’t seem to find you

A Thousand Scars

a thousand scars
from a rusty blade
attempted suicides
never made

I Pulled You Into Me

as your fingers caressed my skin
you tried to quiet the voice within
urging you to push it in
your man hood grew to a manly size

Snow (A Happy Poem At Last Lol)

What is this wonder soft and white,
That falls from the sky on this wintery night?
Cool and sparkling, light as a feather,
It makes its appearance in cold winter weather.

A More Pleasent Suicide

i am sick and tired of this,
may the razor blades dance again
voices running through my head
i just want this pain to end

The Deep Deep Blue

Once again the call begins
Begging me back to the blade
Drags me down in the deep blue waves
As I feel reality fade

Domestic Violence

She begs him to stop, she begs and she pleads,
but the harder she cries, the harder she bleeds.
She's wondering why he's hurting her so,
but her eyes are getting heavier with each stinging blow.

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