Walter Richard Cassels Poems

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The Land's End

I stood on the Land's End, alone and still.
Man might have been unmade, for no frail trace
Of mortal labour startled the wild place,

The Sculptor

The dream fell on him one calm summer night,
Stealing amid the waving of the corn,
That waited, golden, for the harvest morn--

At Eventide

The day fades fast;
And backward ebbs the tide of light
From the far hills in billows bright,
Scattering foam, as they sweep past,

De Profundis

Turn thine eyes from me, Angel of Heaven--
Read not my soul, Angel of Heaven--
Sorrow is steeping my pale cheeks with weeping,

Father And Son

The King call'd forth his first-born, and took him by the hand,
'Come! boy, and see the people you must soon command:

The Mother

There is a land whereon the sun's warm gaze,
God-like, all-seeing, falls right down through space,

The Olden Time

O! well I mind the olden time,
The sweet, sweet olden time;
When I did long for eve all day,
And watch'd upon the new-mown grass

The Passage-Birds

Far, far away, over land and sea,
When Winter comes with his cold, cold breath,
And chills the flowers to the sleep of death,

The Raven

There sat a raven 'mid the pines so dark,
The pines so silent and so dark at morn
A ragged bird with feathers rough and torn,

To My Dream-Love

Where art thou, oh! my Beautiful? Afar
I seek thee sadly, till the day is done,
And o'er the splendour of the setting sun,

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