Andrew David Hunt Poems

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The Green Man


You stretch with so much sensual strain,


Shattered and stifled: pulverised by a distracted difference ego.
Allow me to rebuild these sore wounds that cruelty has so created,
Assent deliquesces: thus allying, these splintered searing shards aglow
And with thriving cement, assure enshrine this once so shattered form;


The stars glitter in her eyes as these slow heavens part,
And here, upon these so soft dry rolling near desert sands;
While her knotted heartbeat fights to relent purlieu sighs.
While along the breeze that now heralds this latent dawn,

Tacenda Second Position

Tis’ here: upon these almost dry, rolling, near desert sands;
Where plump abundant stars lustre above and below weave,
Leaving gossamer threads made of no- time across our eyes;
While our ears rest at this moment, open, desperate to perceive.

The Deer.

The Deer
The heavy scent of pine, oak, birch and hyssop,
Spins like sacred secret garlands within the breeze.


The old photograph, like a tomb, rests at my feet;
Its gloss membrane has sprouted and is ruptured.
Leaving its once steeped colours, now to ebb
Then stream into bleach and begin to dissolve.

Dark Light

Dark light: you crack open like a black flower, to unfurl a burnt smile;
That, in turn, gives an open honest witness to death’s pure perfection.
It is here within this soft entrance, that you are now slowly squeezed:
And together with white penetrating fingers, that have heated blisters,

The Man Who Strolled Into The Sea.

The sky gloriously shines, from her dear emerald eyes,
As she restlessly cavorts, to a near perfect still glimmer.
Her soft mouth so sweetly sings, in delicate echo sighs,
That rush down to a tide which surges with a strong tremor

Ode To Venus

In the glint of your clear crystal eyes,
I am witness to the birth heaven's child;
For they shine with unfettered resonance.
and in the scent of your tender parted lips,

Her Eyes Reflect Such Subtle Beauty

Her eyes reflect such subtle beauty,
As in a vast and cloudless star filled sky;
While her luscious hair, weak curled, is rolling

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