I am beholden to the blank page staring
At me from across my prancing fingers,
Registering thoughts my mind is caring
To express before my eyes shall linger.
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There is still a place for the pen and ink in writing a poem draft. No question. Putting those words onto a computer screen is a different challenge. Were it not for poetry, I would never have learned to use a computer at all. After struggling with computers, as you have, I must admit they have changed my life. A most stimulating poem for making comparisons.
beautiful lines, I sometimes write poems with traditional ink and paper in quick scribble time lines, the chances of cursive poems getting into a computer screen typed and posted promptly, if ever at not good; it is not a question of quality rather catch up time opportunities.
I wrote the poem 'Power Blinking Cursor Compels', inspired by the poem 'Poet At The Computer', by the poet L MILTON HANKINS and dedicated to L MILTON HANKINS.
I wrote the poem 'Candle Flame Thoughts Flicker: Mind Propelled Into Parchment', inspired by the poem 'Poet At The Computer', by the poet L MILTON HANKINS and dedicated to L MILTON HANKINS.