Pradeep Uthaman

Pradeep Uthaman Poems

Your eyes are
Array of heavenly stars,
Sharp enough to-
Conquer my heart.

I was designed to vanish;
and I know I have to.
I may hide in no where,
and I am sure I have to.

There is a man unknown to the world,
Who is capable of loving all changing phase of her;
From dream to seed, to bud and flower,
With the true depth to last of his breath.

Dreams owe the visits-
still at the darkness.
Keeps the silence,
too invisible than the black.

If I had a time machine;
I would go back in time,
To cherish my childhood once more,
And would see the vintage colour of the sky.

I went to the sleep,
That was more than a sleep.
And I went to the places,
Where my dreams were alive.

Her fragrance is enticing,  
And her beauty is irresistible.
Though the longing is to be together,
It is an impossible desire that will never be realized.

A tree, he lived a life of celebrations once,
At its prime, so loud and graceful.
Loved by many like a symphony,
but still lone and standing.

Pradeep Uthaman Biography

Pradeep is my name.  In the year 1985,  I was born as the only son of my parents in Haripad, a village near Karuvatta in Alappuzha District, Kerala,  India. Having completed computer science and engineering, am currently live and working in the United Arab Emirates in an entirely different arena of Commercial Real Estate as a Sr. Leasing Professional for a reputed Organization. My Mother, Father,  Wife, and Sweet Daughter  make up my family. After a long voyage through Malayalam literature in the late 1990s,  I made my first appearance in the year 2003 in the capacity of English Romantic Poems. The feeling of loneliness has always inspired me,  and it has been the backbone of my writings. I invite you to read and encourage my humble attempts.)

The Best Poem Of Pradeep Uthaman

Queen Of My Dreams

Your eyes are
Array of heavenly stars,
Sharp enough to-
Conquer my heart.

Your laughter is
Wild than the wildest,
Brave enough to,
Shake my soul.

You enlighten yourself as a-
Candle, in my dreams.
Your dusky hair did shining,
In my lovely little heart.

Oh! Dear you fill my days in glee,
Much more than in a sea.
I saw your face as a flower in bloom,
As you were in the moon.

You blown my heart like pollen grains,
As I saw you at a glance.
I hear you there, I feel you here,
With me in my void brim.

For my cogent pain and my silent screams,
You were only my darling cure.
Just as filtered light from brume,
You were near me, soothing air.

In that tender eighteens-
You were a dazzling star.
And inside that -
An ocean of treasures unknown.

Dear, shall I part my heart for you?
Or I risk my life for you?
For your beauty and pride,
Shall I dare my lifetime?

For ever and ever,
Oh! Queen of my dreams,
I shall be in your world-
For a share of your love.

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