Pride Young

Pride Young Poems

Hi Guys! I'm Gaurav Kishore,
I love Music, Dancing, Reading and more,
Dancing is one of my hobbies,
And you'll find me humming, all around the lobbies,

Memories Of My 16th Birthday,
Make me Sway
in Happiness Reverberating with Love and Joy,
I was the Happiest! Oh Boy! ! !

Eventhough we are more than a hundred miles apart,
I think she is the Best part Of the Almighty, of which I am a Part,
The thing which leaves me speechless, is her Pulchritude,
I don't know how to express to God My Gratitude,

If I could fly,
I would have needed no one to rely,
I would have travelled the whole world,
And would have been surrounded with girls having hair curled,

The British were wandering over our heads like Ghosts,
But how silly we wre to become their Hosts,
We hid from them in our houses,
While they treated us like Mouses,

Ah! It’s the birthday of my First Best Friend,
And I must wish him,
But I find my words at a trim,
I wish that our friendship knows no end.

Whenever possible put your lights off,
And the earth will give you hats off,
Join hands like sister-brother,
To save Earth our mother,

Love, In Fire And Blood,
I feel My Inspiration dissolving in a Teary Flood.

In this We both are at Loss,

She goes away from Me,
And I go Towards Her,
Lord! Let her Free her Mind,
And atleast give Me a Ponder,

On being considered a nuisance,
Let me tell you my action's sense,
We met for a brief moment,
In time, more than a year and a half's dent,

Nanaji, sweet Nanaji,
You are the one,
With Silvered Hair, a Golden Heart,
And fortunately tonight, A Diamond Jubilee.

Memories of my first Prom night,
Fill me with immense delight,
Coz it was a fairy tale right,
With a fairy, right by my side.

If I could Fly,
I would have needed no one to rely,
I would have flown to my Love,
Lifted her up to the sky,

Bending to give all we need,
And protecting us and standing tall indeed,
Loving us all tremendously,

Pride Young Biography

Hi Guys! I'm Gaurav Kishore, I love Music, Dancing, Reading and more, Dancing is one of My Hobbies, And You'll find me Humming, all around the Lobbies, And Reading is a new Passion, Which transports Me to another Dimension, Finding a Girl to suit Myself is a new Aim, I want a Cute and Loving Girl whom I can Claim As my Own. I'm Just a Chill and Loving Guy, I have such Good Friends, Maybe thats Why! Talking of Friends, My Pals are the Best, They Chisel me out of every Problem, However Gravest! ! Life for me is a Source Of Light, Where I Fathom the Unknown Bright, And it makes me Feisty to Learn, To Garner the spirit of Courage and Yearn, I want My Life to be a perfect Blende, Of Enjoyment, Love and Success that is Earned. To Fly High is my Dream, Maybe that's My Destination's Cream, To be Able to Serve my Nation I Crave, So that I can with Pride, Kiss My Grave, Our Motherland is right now Filled with Commotion, And I wanna serve it with the Peace Potion, With a Hope to win all your Hearts, Introducing Myself I Depart...)

The Best Poem Of Pride Young

Exploring Myself

Hi Guys! I'm Gaurav Kishore,
I love Music, Dancing, Reading and more,
Dancing is one of my hobbies,
And you'll find me humming, all around the lobbies,
And Reading is a new passion,
Which transports Me to another dimension,
Finding a girl to suit Myself is a new aim,
I want a Cute and Loving Girl whom my love can Claim.

I'm just a Chill and Loving Guy,
I have such good Friends, maybe thats why!
Talking of Friends, my pals are the Best,
They chisel me out of every problem, however Gravest! !
Life for me is a source Of Light,
Where I fathom the Unknown Bright,
And it makes me feisty to learn,
To garner the spirit of Courage and yearn,
I want my Life to be a perfect Blende,
Of Enjoyment, Love and Success that is Earned.

To Fly high is My Dream,
Maybe that's My Destination's Cream,
To be able to serve My Nation I Crave,
So that I can with Pride, Kiss my Grave,
Our Motherland is right now filled with Commotion,
And I wanna serve it with the Peace potion,
With a Hope to win all your Hearts,
Introducing Myself I Depart...

(August 1,2011)

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Many sorrows come as consequences of sitting idle and hoping.

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