Priyani Lekamwattage

Priyani Lekamwattage Poems

Walking people'
Moving vehicles,
The road is busy, At times of the day...
There are times,

No signs of the sun,
No hills from far away,
There is no horizon,
The world is white,

Beautiful Niagara,
How fascinating you're,
Before I saw you,
Heard you're falling,

That beautiful night,
One special star,
Shinning in the sky,
Wise men saw,

Strong winds,
Gloomy days,
Fallen leaves,

Light a little Candle,
Let the dark to disappear,
See the potential,
Within the sphere.

No memory of you,
Cannot remember you,
Wish you live,
Somewhere unknown,

How can I tell you,
How much I love you,
Wanted to tell something,
You're not hear to listen.

No blossoms in the spring,
Cannot find a Bloomfield,
All turns to grass field,
What had happened,

You are the pride of Britain
The pride of Britain
Problems are inevitable
Sorrows are painful


No worries from the past,
Fair well to painful memories,
Bright star appears in the sky,
Happiness is not far away,

Remember the days
Holding hands
Sitting in the beach
Waiting to see


Beyond the far away hills,
Moon beams are rising,
Night sky covers,
The glittering stars,

Limitless sky, floating clouds,
Flying natural and iron birds,
Show the beautiful and busy world,
The natural birds fly,

The moon lingering in the sky,
When the new year's dawn,
East celebrates,
While west is sleeping,

Until it started,
The world mostly dominated by men,
Power in their hands,
Always kept women aside,

When the dark comes,
I feel very lonely,
No one arounds me,
But remembered the way,

The day I was born,
Dad gained the fatherhood,
Had to play many roles inhis life,
But the most fascinating role was

Floating Clouds,
Fill in the air,
Give the Sun a little break,
And sometimes,

In the night,
From the east,
When the moon rises,
Through the clouds,

The Best Poem Of Priyani Lekamwattage

The Road

Walking people'
Moving vehicles,
The road is busy, At times of the day...
There are times,
Road is quiet,
No vehicles or pedestrians,
The time is moving,
Past, present and future,
The road is exist,
Support with maintenance,
A little baby on a buggy,
With a parent,
Again walk with a parent,
Walk alone the same road,
Drive with the family,
Then one last time,
To the burial ground,
End the walking,
The road is still there,
Walking people,
Moving vehicles,
The road is busy,
At times of the day.

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