Rachel Fogle Poems

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Children In The Crossfire

Children in the crossfire,
Children in the street,
Children are the victum of some gun or evil deed.
They can't sit outside and play or sit outside and stare,


Dreams are what we make them,
Dreams are what we feel inside our hearts.
There their to keep us going,
There their to keep our hopes and wishes bright.

Gentle Kiss

It's like the times when you are little and you know that big surprise.
The one that lights up all your moments and being a kid is the coolest feeling alive.
Then you grow and find love at last, and that feeling is unequal, knowing that this is a blast.

Loving You

Everyday it happens, this feeling that I have.
It brings everything together and makes me know you are the one I should always have.
Giving us each moment to cherish as we might.
And allowing us the chance to see how growing can bring such joy to life.


Now we can have what we wanted,
Now we know we can.
Start over and begin again,
Never reliving the forgotten past.

Lifes Reflections

Work, home, school & sleep.
The day is done but not far from reach.
Tomorrow will come and we will do it again.
Continue the circle that life has lead.

Will Of Myself

Now and again I am reminded of us.
Of what we have and of what we have done.
Now and again it seems unreal and unseen that life can be so cruel and unfair it seems.

Looking Glass

As before and as will be,
You are mine to hold.
All that matter's in this world is wrapped inside your soul.
Not to be questioned or doubted in anyway.

Are You The One? ? ?

All & all,
Over it's asked.
Are you the one?
To heal the past.

The Smile Of Loving

Yesterday came and went along with our love so true.
Today I long to hold and learn what our love means to you.
Years will dawn and little may be said,
Unless we ask now, what if and when.

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