Rachel Fogle

Rachel Fogle Poems

A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.


Keep hope in your heart,
Keep it there till there's more.
More of what many should have, but are just to afraid to hold.
Hope is like a crystal, rare precious & bold.

In his heart he holds courage,
In his hands he holds our lives.
A Brave Soldier he may be, but only at the the front lines.
He is weaken by all the death,

Sometimes saying I'm sorry means more then I love you.

Sometimes holding hands means more then making love with you.

Every day that dawns I love you so much more.
Every moment that comes brings me such joy.
So many scars to heal from the past,
Make our love that much stronger because our love will last.

Heartbeat so strong,
Beating fast holding on.

Mothers tears falling down,


What causes the fear that people feel,
When there scared and have to face the truth.
What cause that fear that people feel,
When there in love and have been hurt.

Oh, I the greenish far side,
The lovely mountains and hills,
Is the true nature of any Irish Man,
He and his fellow souls.

They live in cardboard boxes.
They live on the lonely street.
They sleep we're ever they can find, a special place to sleep.
People think their dirty, people think there mean.

He's been away to the war so long,
We're over joyed that he's home.
He's fought for our country and what stories will be told.
He's waited out his sentence in an obligation spent.


Do you know what it's like to feel ugly all the time.
To see your face, and not feel joy inside.

I look in the mirror and I'm not happy with what I see.

I've had alot of time to think,
And I know I'm ready now.
To let go of the one thing in life,
Let's kepted me going all this while.

So close to my heart,
Were do I Draw the line of what is yours
and what is mine?
So close to my heart,

Time after time I look at it all,
And see so much unhappiness that I cannot recall,
The last time I saw love in away that is was meant to be,
Or the last time I felt love in all the ways that it should be.

Standing by the window, dreaming of what never will be.
Realizing all that's been lost, and knowing what is to be.
You hear the cell doors open, you know it's not your turn.
The Green Mile always beckons, calling, calling still.

Reaching for it, jumping in.
No clue to the consiquiences or care to the wind.

Just for the moment or even the day,

It's been along time since I've thought of us.
Or the heartache and pain.
It's been along time in healing, but I've made in the end.

We take to much for granted,
Each & everyday.
We have so much to be thankful,
In so many different ways.

Never will I ponder the time that has gone by,
Or wish in vain that another had helped me reach the sky.
You were what made me beautiful in so many different ways.
You were my most beautiful times, only now fate has decided another way.

You & Me together that is a matching pair.

Were like star's in the sky,

Rachel Fogle Biography

I am 27yrs old and have been writing poery since I was fourteen. My grandfather was a poet and I just kind of fell into it myself.It is the most beautiful way to express how one feels and to maybe allow others to relate. All of my poems are from life and written from my heart. Please feel free to share with me, as I look to forware to sharing my words with you.)

The Best Poem Of Rachel Fogle

A Life Without Love

A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.

All these things need something to be,
Either a sun or a person or a crayon,
If only to create what nature said was meant to be.

A sunset makes us feel as though the world has been born again.
A life with love lets us know it's worth to let someone in.
A rainbow with colors thats a moment frozen in time, to be grateful for all that is beautiful and feel all the glory inside.
A heart that has feelings, well that would be me.
For I love just the thought of you and hope you feel the same for me.

Life without our love, is an emptiness I'm not sure I wish to face.
Because I know that time will never be able to erase.
I wish our love was as simple as a sunset, ready to be born again.
But I know in truth love only comes from within.
So I'll keep watching for my sunset, and looking for that rainbow to shine someday.
Then one day maybe our love will find its way again.

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