Rachel Fogle Poems

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My Moments

When I think of you I smile its a habit I seem to have.
I see your face so clearly its like a lighted and guided path.
Moments that have given me pleasure in ways I can't express, Make me feel alive and cherished all because you have shown me this path.

Knowing What Could Have Been....

We all ask ourselves time and again, that dreaded question of,
What Could Have been?

Rethinking every error, reliving the past trying to stop and ponder the questions over & over we ask.

Sweet November

Beautiful rain drops pouring down, and the sweetest whisper as the breeze comes down.
Morning heaven is awake again and smiling down to let the world rise again.
Lovely tree tops all around and the leaves that fall to the hollow ground.
Sweet November full of grace now comes the time for the world to take shape,

Free & Clear

Out upon the Ocean air,
A breeze so cool yet warm.
It's seems as though the world around us doesn't exist anymore.
I see the seagulls fly through the air so free & yet so alluring.

Deep As An Ocean

As deep as an Ocean,
As wide as a fresh field in may.
My heart has no ending and my love no beginning again.
I used to love life and all there was to live it.

Upon Broken Wings

Grant me the gift to believe again,
To reach for love and take its hand.
Grant me the strength to not be afraid.
To unlock the door that was sealed by fate.

Tears For Thy Angel

Watching from afar they know when they are needed,
To help the hurt or injured, or the sick and the weaked.
There presense is always felt, no matter the reason for there call.
They come when you least exspect it and leave with no trace at all.

Child Of My Heart

Knowing one day you will be here,
Only makes the wait worth wild.
It keeps me reaching for something better,
For I know you are the prize.


When he speaks to me everything seems fine, but them somehow there are doubts that enter my mind.

One minute he's fine no problems are there, the next minute he's distant and I feel I've lost him I'm not sure were.

Loveless Life

To soon to say it's not working, to real to believe it's true.
To empty to know the difference when love has ruined you.

Bleeding on the inside, smiling on the out.

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