Rafi Islam

Rafi Islam Poems

My heart is in turmoil
and it's burning.
I and myself are dying
from your longing.

My sky's veiled by clouds,
Your presence surrounds.
My heart glimpses your shining face,
Longing burns in this space.

O whisper, transport me there,
Here, I struggle to maintain control;
Nothing captures my gaze —
But the grace of your face!

My beloved is within me.
Wherever I go, I can see.
I see my beloved in my eyes,
Like a fountain of light.

Moonlight shines bright tonight,
I feel my beloved's longing in its light;
O gentle Moon of the night,
Silently enter my dream's sight!

O breeze, be my messenger,
To my beloved, deliver this plea:
How much longer must I wait?
My eyes wither, my heart weeps ceaselessly.

The Best Poem Of Rafi Islam

Dust And Desire

My heart is in turmoil
and it's burning.
I and myself are dying
from your longing.
It must be you I'm seeking.
Please don't shroud yourself.

Look, the sky is covered
with clouds.
My heart is filled with dust,

When darkness arrives,
light scatters!

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