Raj Arumugam Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Netsuke Depicting 2 Men Drinking

Dancing Man:

My right foot up
and my left hand on my head

They Only Want Love

lots of people
and lots and lots
of travelers, wayfarers
and activists and visionaries

Remembering Mike Along The Railway Tracks

Mike and I were best of friends
and we drank together
and walked home together
And we’d walk along the railway tracks

Dr Bell In His Hell Of A Well

Shall we tell
dear Dr Bell
he’s actually
fallen into a well

State Of The Nation

There is just one word
to describe
the state of our nation:

Lone Man In Space (Sci-Fi)

…in the Dogoton era, there was too much crime…too many
wanted to think for themselves…these criminals did not
subscribe to the Revealed Doctrine…just too many who wanted
to think for themselves…and our prisons and streets and homes

Family Matters

some of us
man or woman
some people
are made for family

Says The Nose To The Glasses

says the nose to the glasses:
Get off my back!
You serve me no purpose -
you're just a burden!

The Cash And The Handbag

See me, how pretty I am
just like the lady
and with me she's ready
to walk so dainty

Room Says To The Windows

Shut up!
says the room to the windows
You guys are just like
toothless mouths of the aged!

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