Randy Hogan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Randy's Red Rose

Arose a rose,

From soul kiss top soil to sky she
grew straight and true

Mandala Of Love

A diamond of triangle play in a pyramid of angles,
in the trinity of three infinity lights shines down
a prism reflecting a rainbow of primary colors,
red, yellow, blue.

Garden Of God

IN the stills of soft sighs
of quite love, quilts
your beauty once more

My Fairy Tale

Unicorns, Capricorn a fairy tale story
of my dreams of fairy dancing in trees

Colours of purple, pink and white as fairy

Sad Flower

I was walking through a flower garden
and this beautiful flower laid over looking so sad.
It drew me closer i just had to know why?
As bent over and put the flower in my hand

True Love

Her heart is like a lock and her truest friend is the key.
Like a cage Phoenix waiting to be set free..
And when she finds the key to open her heart to spread its wings to depart from it shell now the Phoenix can depart.
For the Phoenix is free to climb higher and higher into the night. As they leave this world to be kissed by the great northern lights.

Stars In The Sky

Looking to the heavens and wondering why.
Longing, yearning, and wondering why.
The heavens are so vast,
from a singularity with an infinite point of power and energy.

A Tear Fell From Her Eye

Tears falls from her eyes
moment in time that stood still

In the mirror of me she seen her

The Collage Of Life

Painting a Picture,
Brush crawls across the canvas
the picture i paint, No perception

A Date Under The Star

With my eyes closed,
my wounds open to the world,
probabilities and possibilities
so I run, so hard to the garden,

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