Rasaq Malik

Rasaq Malik Poems

See Her!
With her cunning rags,
flowing down to kiss the mother earth,
Shouting for a mass look.

On my back,
I heard a voice,
An infant voice indeed,
Clinging on my flesh to breastfeed,

Nature being,
On Earth fingers,
Bygone Nature,
On Earth carpet,


After a memorable day,
When death has wrapped,
Our kinsmen,
With a soft naked sand,

 Ode to Village
Whistling voice of the cuckoo bird,
Sacred scene in muddy attire,
Gong chant with its croaky voice,

Near the shed of past memory,
With its naked mud standing still,
Swamp marshy field of our lane,
And million weep of flying leaves.

On my flight Come with me and let travel fast,
To a place where we shall rest,
And perch our love on our happy heart,
Let stay together till Death comes.

The world is brutal,
Our soul is violent,
This naked world of limit stay,
Nature hunting Nature.


When evening erode,
And the naked night elope,
Spreading the carpet of darkness,

When the earth open wild...
Call upon the helpless soul,
To a solitude arena,
Of limitless stay.

Rasaq Malik Biography

Born in dec 30,1992, family of four, schooled in BLUE CRESCENT INT'L COLLEGE, now a 200level student of ENGLISH DEPT...UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN)

The Best Poem Of Rasaq Malik

To A Mad Woman

See Her!
With her cunning rags,
flowing down to kiss the mother earth,
Shouting for a mass look.

Tossing up the sky,
Her toe linger up to catch the wandering air,
With her Nature hair,
Now a rowdy scene of seasonless age..

Running down the path,
Echo the sound of insanity,
A lonely nature,
Through the thick world....

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