Ravens Bud

Ravens Bud Poems

I see my life spiraling away from sight,
Into a realm of nothingness.
I see my hopes and dreams flourish before my eyes,
Only to dissipate

I don't see what's the big deal.
I don't see what all the hype is.
I don't see what all the fuss is about.
All I know is -

My love for you is like the rose in the field.
Beautiful, Carefree...
Swaying effortlessly in the breeze.
Its natural presence illuminating its counterparts,

Your face;
Your loving, caring eyes,
Looking into their happy future.
Your cute, little ears,

Don't you ever wish to be?
The one.
The one and only.
Whose name is known

Oh how I long for your heart!
Not your beauty,
Not your brains,
But your heart.

I see you.
My heart double beats.
Eyes glazed,
I watch you move.

We're staring each other down,
Just the two of us.

I look into his eyes

Oh how it makes me laugh
To see the ever-changing fashion scene,
And those caught in its
High-priced death trap.

Have you ever stopped to think
What life would be like
Without flowers?
So often taken for granted;

Friends are like Angels kisses,
Blown from far above.
But you,
You are so much more.


Consider the window...
Window to the soul?
Window to the heart, perhaps?
Maybe the arched window!

I'm not a big shot.
No celebrity,
No Mr. Popular.
Not the smartest,

Without form, and void...
A Blank Canvas

My knife
Its sharp, and chrome.
Dare I touch it?
To taste the sweet crimson?

You're the object of my affection,
Yet you're blissfully unaware.
Always play the friend
Always be the friend.

The Best Poem Of Ravens Bud

A Lack Of Ambition.

I see my life spiraling away from sight,
Into a realm of nothingness.
I see my hopes and dreams flourish before my eyes,
Only to dissipate
In a shower or reject and disappointment.
I see the continuous downwards sprawl
My life has become;
I'm glued to the couch of familiarity,
Of no success and no failure,
Only a blur of nothingness...
I see my minds thwarted structure;
Fixated on past grievances,
And the zone of the obvious:
A lack of ambition leading to
A lack of life.
Please, save me from myself...

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