Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Man Of Fewer Words

A man of fewer words
Rules his mouth be-still
Thereby avoids hazards
That may wound or kill

Many Minds To Mend

With so many crazy ones about
There are many minds to mend
They must let go all fear, doubt
Lest into self-made-hell descend

Fundamental Humans

Fundamental Christianity
Fundamental Islam
Fundamental Judaism
Fundamental Buddhism

Confession Of An Internet Poet

I confess to loving Internet writing
And casting words around this orb
Reading other poets is so exciting
'Pearls of wisdom' I then absorb

Skull & Bones

A grisly symbol of what evil men can do
This Skull & Bones symbol of destruction
Aggression toward neighbors they pursue
By using methods of leadership seduction

To Eva...

How do we love you?
Let us be specific;
We love you because,
You simply are terrific

Grandparent Obsoletion?

Once the family unit was comprised of at least three generations
Grandparents provided practical experience and wisdom to the young
Today families have been scattered, preventing close communications
The sweet melodies and harmonies of the "Old Ones" go unsung

Amazon Phallusy

The logo plastered everywhere tells it all
A symbol of an erect, upward rising phallus
Perhaps it makes Bezos feel strong and tall
When in truth he is unrefined and callus

He was born in abject poverty to a mother who was but a child herself.
His father was a wild and raucous man prone to drinking to excess.
Before long it was clear to Lily that she could not stay married to Raymond, so she packed her meager belongings, loaded the old Chevrolet coup and began looking for work.
She eventually found a job as a laundress working for enough money to buy groceries, gas for the car, and pay for child care.

From Grape To Wine

If you were to say I don’t exist
This grape would not argue

Longing to be wine

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