Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Satan’s Siren, so well endowed
Sex/seduction, her favorite tools
With estrous she doth enshroud
Men haste to be her willing fools

Pisces To Aquarius

Earth’s solar system enters photon belt
Event that comes ‘round every 26,000 years
Pisces to Aquarius foretold by ancient Celts
Humankind about to probe some new frontiers

Bowling For Leases

Untold billions spent to build new bases
Permanent occupation is U. S. intention
Big oil sign leases, as Bush appeases
Whilst pump prices cause apprehension

Unbalanced Libra Mind

Hellish place, unstable mind
For “day to day” she is unfit
Her psyche, bound, confined
To full life she won't commit

Life Is Forward Motion

When moving forward
There is no going back
Life is forward motion
Not dead end cul-de-sac

Intimate Conversation

Dearly beloved, come sit with me
'Neath warm rays of noonday sun
Enjoy a glass of wine ‘n repartee
Near grandeur of yonder Banyan

Tesla Knew

Telsa knew of infinite power in empty space
Enough to satisfy all mankind’s energy needs
Jealous scientists tried to put him in his place
Yet, he did shine with many wondrous deeds

Photon Revelation

Photons are the highest form of light
Emitted from above and from within
Time nears, when souls shall ignite
After photons illuminate man's sins

Karmic Awareness

“Karma results from simple ignorance”
Of truth contained within a human soul
Universal Law leaves no-thing to chance
As God’s Love, not mankind is in control

Lost Faith

Lost faith in fellow man
I then lost faith….in me
On one leg I can’t stand
This half-a-man you see

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