Rebecca Dodgson Poems

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You will always dream about being something more,
so what is the point in dreaming if you will never be satisfied?
What is the point in being together if in the end you will be alone?

I'M Fine

Shouldn't they see it's all a mask
but those words never were for yourself.
They were so that everyone else
doesn't have to ask.

Past, Prestent, And Forever

I lived in the room between my sister and my parents,
between wild risks and 'be back by sunset.'
Peddling back after hours spent with nonsensical philosophy
somewhere between the flowing river and home.


A girls said thinks-hurtful things
to a quite well spoken girl.
She had frizzy hair and a lilting smile running from her eyes,
for in the mirror she sees a quite girl staring back at her.

Inherently Human

People are weapons.
Our DNA is more virus than human,
and I can't help but wonder if it hasn't rubbed off a little.
We pointlessly destroy each other,

Oil Spill

I was sitting alone in a car,
the gentile rain pouring dreary drops,
bouncing on the asphalt ground
and disappearing beneath shadows of metal monsters,


Has someone ever hurt you,
by doing something right.
When someone you know-
someone you love hurts another.

I Would Prefer

I am jealous of others for their bravery,
For their courage in ordinary situations.
I want to lose every ounce of fear in my heart,
But not so much that I would trade it now.

What I See

I have tried to explain myself to others,
Told them what I value and cherish,
And they get defensive.
When someone gets mad at me for what I have told them,

Wondrous Things

Wander through the ebony dream.
Walk on clouds with angel wings.
Wander through wistful wisteria leaves.
Walk amongst the wondrous things.

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