Rebekah Gamble Poems

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Simple Happiness

This is all I need,
right here.
Cold stable chair,
cold smooth table,

The Hardest Choice

I hate all of this.
You show me
what I never knew, never understood.
Tell me,


They believed in color
and burning candles
with flames dancing
on ceilings like skies.

The Shadow Considers Truth

I had a silent conversation
with the shadow of a statue.
It questioned me with very forgettable words
and I told it 'I like both Rilke and Neruda.'

On Music (Glorious Drowning)

I close my eyes so it can fill me.
It flows through my nostrils,
pleasantly drowning me.
It is for me the executioner.

Walking Away From Me

In walking down a beaten dirt road
I felt as though the world were turning
away from me, beneath me in a circle,
to keep me searching.

I Do Not Respond

The people live in eternal night,
so when the sun goes to bed,
they don't always realize that it is dark.
The streetlight is lonely tonight.

Father's Funeral Services

Poetry died with my father.
His death marked my first time in a Catholic church.
I remember the man nailed up high,
looking more like a beaten homeless man

So I Am Calm In Wondering

Inside me, there is fire.
I know this, because I remember it.
I used to believe in things.
It is cold as I sit out the night on my doorstep.

In Night, I Find I Am Foreign

At dusk, I hate the locusts
that make the sound
like the darkness is laughing.
It is not good

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