Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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Man: A Question

...As I look up to the sky
...I would always wonder why
Why if man indeed be greatness bound
...Why his being all just dust

Miss World 2012

Ni Hao, come into my kitchen
Boiling in the kettle is soup
This broth is about to thicken
Made from the chicken of my coop


Descended I, from Heaven's breath on Earth,
Sublime, and self-proclaimed as glorious be,
Not one creature supersedes my worth,
Though greatness may have been illusory;


Why are people plenty when you want privacy
Why has everyone gone when you need company
Why are you punished after doing nothing wrong
Why are there rewards for the not-so-worthy throng?


The world comes on to me in cruelest guise,
Once, sympathy, it made me see as love,
Not known affection, or what would comprise,
I sought apt divination from above:

Last Journal Entry

The coldest wind which fills my sails
Sent colder chills throughout my spine
As now the rigging grimly wails
That mast seems willing to recline

Love Sonnet 10: 'My Waking Hours Are Now Engulfed In Dreams'

My waking hours are now engulfed in dreams,
Reality became a twilight maze,
An interlude between silvery beams,
And tropic sun's scorching, hot, blinding blaze;


First love I recall now, and I will hence,
Like rain that came ahead of April's norms,
It wets us through, though deemed of no offence,
And laced our days throughout the August storms;

Love Sonnet 02: 'this Is Your Day, So Special In A Way'

This is your day, so special in a way,
Your life begins, as all their waiting ends,
When two decades ago, you wafted free,
To be the gust of May, that Springtime sends;


Where leaves abound, much fruit is rarely found,
When words are more, finding much sense is hard,
As when nuggets are dug up from the ground,
Dross makes mountains, while gold yields but a shard;

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