Richard Ledford

Richard Ledford Poems

What Americans think, feel, vote, and say has zero bite.
With millions of votes Diebold stolen, accountability - so slight.
NeoRadical RepubliCons chose how to so waste our might -
Just where, when, and why we had to go START a fight.

The Best Poem Of Richard Ledford

Poetic Torch Scorches The Neo-Tyranny Agenda

What Americans think, feel, vote, and say has zero bite.
With millions of votes Diebold stolen, accountability - so slight.
NeoRadical RepubliCons chose how to so waste our might -
Just where, when, and why we had to go START a fight.
They'd planned for Iraq, with 30 years more oil still in sight.
Must control the price and flow into OUR gas tanks, right?
Exxon-Mobil, BP, Shell - profits future sure looks bright!
Hyped bogus threats, then fanned the flames to such great height.
9/11, Anthrax, and the mushroom cloud all feed the fright.

Pulled the Towers, then, with balled-up flags to plug their ears:
A Patriot Act panic attack => waived our rights to calm the fears.
How well a shredded Constitution wiped away our wasted tears.
Slick magic trick: lasted 800 years - now Habeas Corpus disappears.
They load the planes with C-notes, no bids please, as toxic dust clears;
Corporate warriors - No Draft! It's a private war - Three Cheer$!
Fat cat$, well fed by exce$$ Warporate greed, $uch profiteer$
Billions borrowed daily - vastly wasted, now six straight years.
Tens of billions fraud, whistleblowers stalled by Justice: no one hears.
Say what, a change of plan to end war profits? Sharpen up the spears!
Another traitor must be skewered, trot out the NeoCon-tradicting seers.
From Limpbowel, O'Rlie-to-me, and their ilk, we start to hear the jeers.
They interrupt their homophobic rants on 'No Marriages for queers, '
With some freshly think-tank-framed cliche' Newspeak smears.

Sad sight, so many flags draped over coffins never seen.
The sinister lies that filled them buried deep beneath such patriotic sheen.
Human losses well disguised, and media filtered from our collective eyes,
By corporate puppet leaders, whose agendas we must now despise.

Pity Iraqi families, alone with blood, pain, death, despair,
Depleted uranium shells explode - poison dust spreads everywhere,
While pompous jingo windbags fill the U.S. propaganda-polluted air,
Will spews of false praise glory, hide the true neglect in veterans' care?
Fox Snooze hype NOT, as your heroes, our loved ones lost;
Their blood for oil - spent badly - much too high this cost.
Keith Rupert Murderdoch, the boss who must be tossed!

Now past his 'Mission Accomplished' day, in years by more than four,
Our so delusional Decider is still not looking for the exit door.
One aggressor, an invasion-occupation, it never was a war!
The stench, the smell - corruption, failures everywhere,
Yet all we hear is that which plays upon our deepest fear.
The drone of platitudes preached to stretch our stay another year.

'The job is almost done! '
'Must keep them Terrorists on the run! '
'We sure can't abandon Iraq until we've won.'
'Sorry for the 100 dead civilians per insurgent one.'
'Just another 30,000 surge, so send us your brave sons.'
'Trillion dollar debts, their kids can pay these no small sums! '
'Waterboarding works. Don't call it torture. We don't break thumbs! '
NO NO NO! Time true Patriots stand and shout 'Impeach these Bums! '

Lean hard on traitors, like Lieberman, to not just lose their parties,
But to find our Republic again, while we still have one!
Target the REAL Axis of Evil => IMPEACH Cheney-Bush!
Perhaps small justice, but at least some!

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