Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Birth Of Love Be Known.

It is not enough that you requite my love,
Nor am I content that you desire me.
Others must know that we love each other
As a mother wants her child born to be known.

Erosion Of Faith

Diminution in belief is a tragedy.
Diminution in faith is a tragedy.
Hope is sent by them into jeopardy.
Hope lost, heaven is perceived as a hell.

Affair Is No Harm

What is so called affair,
The flirting in secrecy?
Seeing, pursuing,

The Concept Of The Soul

The candle is shut and the flame is out.
The candle is left and the life has set.
Before shut, the candle must have been lit.
The unlit candle can never be shut.

The Undeserving Humiliation

With my spectacles left at home,
I sought the server’s help
To read the menu on the table.
‘You too are illiterate? ’

A Bad Match

What is that your woman wants?
What does she look for in a man?
Even Sigmund Freud was helpless.
Man must be rich, successful, loving,

Reverse Application

As the wise regard fools as fool
Fools regard the wise as fools.
The theists are fools to the atheists
And atheists, fools to theists

To Be Sensitive

As sensitive, I am neither tolerant nor patient.
As sensitive, I am neither neutral nor indifferent.
As sensitive, I am either a rose or a cactus.
Whose fault is it that I am sensitive?

To Control Women

Goddess Athena is a virgin.
Mother Mary is a virgin.
Virgin state inspires your cults,
Your pride and your merits.

Be Sincere

The child is sincere in what it does;
With no goal set, it will not be tense.
Man is serious in what he does;
With a goal set, he will be tense.

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