Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Concept Of The Soul

The candle is shut and the flame is out.
The candle is left and the life has set.
Before shut, the candle must have been lit.
The unlit candle can never be shut.

Erosion Of Faith

Diminution in belief is a tragedy.
Diminution in faith is a tragedy.
Hope is sent by them into jeopardy.
Hope lost, heaven is perceived as a hell.

Affair Is No Harm

What is so called affair,
The flirting in secrecy?
Seeing, pursuing,

The Seer And The Beggar.

Ego battered, bereaved of kith and kin,
Bereft of worldly things, a beggar dies
With no wish, no curse and no regrets;
That amounts to detachment of the world.

Be Sincere

The child is sincere in what it does;
With no goal set, it will not be tense.
Man is serious in what he does;
With a goal set, he will be tense.

One’s Last Wish

I am lucky in that
I am in the old age home
Run by my son.
Yes, he would be there

The Death Sentence

One convenience in a death sentence,
Unlike a normal death unannounced,
Is that we can attend the intended
Works on priority and feel relieved.

Believing Is Good

To believe in something as true
Which it is not, sooths one’s soul
Rather than disbelieving something
As not true, which it really is.

The Knack Of Love Scenes

A woman substitute herself for the heroine
And a man substitutes himself for the hero
And each enjoys the presence of the other
And both find interesting a love scene.

The Undeserving Humiliation

With my spectacles left at home,
I sought the server’s help
To read the menu on the table.
‘You too are illiterate? ’

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