Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Jealousy Management

Jealousy is ugly and does evils.
The have-not get it for the have ones,
And build hatred towards the fortunate
With a brewing mind for a sabotage.

Why Is Sexual Harassment?

Man pursues and woman eludes in love.
Man advances and woman slips in love.
If she resents him, he must stop with that,
Failing which, she can run away from him,

Is Freedom Elusive?

Equal distribution is not freedom.
Equality in wants and aptitude
Cannot be achieved to ensure freedom.
Prisoners, of course, enjoy equality.

Sneers Cyclic

An old yellow leaf falls;
A young green leaf sneers.
The old leaf was not irked
For as young it did same.

Volunteers Value

Rose spelt will not smell; help said will not help.
Thought translated to action is the need.
Lip service and sweet words deceive people.
Volunteers are more than priests to serve.

Once Crowned, One Deviates.

One rides to power with a group's support.
The group is sore that he supports it less.
He will not antagonize it either.
To ride a tiger is safer than dismount.

To Hold Our Conscience

Though right, be not right on matters
On which the authorities are wrong.
Though right, be not right on issues
On which your well wishers are wrong.

Vale Of Time

How dear we were
Once, as brothers and sisters!
Once no more are our parents
and we ourselves are parents,

We All Fault

Driven by money,
One loses friends and kin.
Driven by sex,
One has no qalm or shame.

Shame Smites Terribly.

The child has not got shame;
The old have shed their shame.
The mighty are immune to shame;
The lowly haven’t built shame.

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