Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Man Is Not Impersonal.

Every action has a reason.
Every reason can be traced
Either to prejudices or to passion.
Else, man will be impersonal.

Gracefully Forgive

Forgiveness be a cancelled promissory note.
It must have no reference, nor relevance.
To say that I’ll forgive and not forget
Is just saying that I’ll not forgive.

Neither You Nor I

Cows breed more, deer breed more and hares breed more;
They must breed more for forests want them more.
They must feed lions, tigers and foxes
With their casualties in multitudes.

Life, A Balance Sheet

One gives you a gift; another takes it.
One gives you one's heart; someone gets yours.
One rescues you; another traps you.
You do good ones and harm and receive likewise.

Which Commands Which?

The bone and the dog;
The mare and the horse;
The calf and the cow;
Which commands which?

No Death In The House

I wish I die outside the house I built
With the body not brought to the house
Lest the body laid site should haunts inmates.
The old house where my parents died, scares me.

Why Are You Seeking God?

Basic wants kept, one can be happy.
With no ill health, one can be happy.
To care and to be cared, must there be some.
No misfortune must come to upset one.

Going Forward To The Past

Guttenberg invented the printing press.
Oral media gave way to written media.
Internet social media has come in.
Written media gives way to oral media.

The Jungle Rule

The polity and the governance are,
Which are influenced to a greater extent
By demands made by the privileged
Community, a minority,

Infinity In The Finite

Infinity exists in finite things.
It is in the seed that leads to a tree.
It is in the egg that yields to a hen.
Infinite life force lives in finite bodies.

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