Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Love And Possessiveness

To love is to possess
But to possess is not to love.
To possess is a persistent calyx
That stays after the love’s exit.

They Are A Happy Couple

While the king enjoys the company
Of some women outside his palace,
The queen is relived of his presence
To have her men in her residence.

Primary Sex

Wanting to be desired
Is woman’s sexual urge.
Wanting to be accepted
Is man’s sexual urge.

Female Rules

Woman is a pot and man is a lid.
The lid sans the pot is of little use
And the pot sans the lid is still of use.
Woman unlike man can live alone.

About The Repentance

I am cheerful for what I’ve done
But more so for what I haven’t.
I am painful for what I’ve made
But more so for what I haven’t.

Spits And Anger

We spit, not to soil the floor
But to get it rid of our throats.
One’s anger at you is like that;
Be a floor; don’t attack him.

Can Be A Servant

Don’t feel being a servant
In the family of your son
If it is for your belly
For you had been a servant

The Humiliation

Sheela loved me but not loved
Enough to marry me.
I was not equal to her by birth.
I was humiliated.

To Clear Debts

Are there any debts by way of gratitude
Or by way of neglects, due to someone,
Who is no more and you regret for that?
Regrets and repentance are of no use.

You Must Assume

There is no certainty
That Jesus was born on December 25th.
There is no certainty
That the departed soul exists and hears us.

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