Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Student Like Situation

One is ready to learn
But averse to be taught.
One prefers knowing things
By reading them in prints

Be Not Haste To Have Kids.

Honeymoon is a stage
Where intimacy is exciting.
Reality check is the next stage
Where want of space is felt.

Marriage To Be Outdated.

They are shopping buddies.
Pleasure of shopping
Without the strain of being together.

Reading Romantic Novels

Women of today aren’t women of yesterday.
A somersault has occurred in her way.
She has come out of man’s entanglement,
With her own earnings and own involvement.

Woman As Mother

Cruel women are kind hearted mothers.
Strict women are liberal mothers.
Selfish women are generous mothers.
They excel other mothers in nursing.


Whenever I had myself photographed,
The resultant photographs all the time
Showed the images poorer and belied
All my expectation I had of my figure.

Starving Though

The couple has married for five decades.
They’re happy they have guarded each other
And have remained faithful to each other,
Both not minding their sexual starvations.

Love’s Merit

Love for parents, boss and gods
Have a grain fear as its core.
Love for mate and offspring lacks
Such fear and stand in good stead.

The Impressions Count

I went to my head master and my son’s
To invite for my son’s wedding one day.
The farmer appeared to me more awesome
Than the later for I was under him.

Kin Is Defined

He will be my kin who reads my silence
And ignores my anger burst against him.
I am a kin of him whom I can chide
And whom I can take for granted at will.

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