Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Be Logical

To bear the mighty is not tolerance.
Fearing to strike is not patience.
Helplessness is not greedless ness.

Thick Skins

A scar for the scar is bravery.
To ignore a scar is chivalry.
To forgive it is exemplary.
Then, you must have a thick skin

The Worthiness

I made a gift to my sister
In a function hosted by her,
To show my worthiness,
With no love that dried long since.

Means’ Pleasure

I conceived many a time
But failed to deliver a baby.
It didn’t deny me the pleasure
Of having conceived.

The Relief

Food entering mouth is a relish;
Its exit from anus is a relief.
Mating is relish; orgasm is relief.
Relief is the peak of the pleasure.

Woman’s Wish

Woman takes it as her pride
To make men long for her.
She takes it as her insult
If men chose to reveal it.


A Harmless Outlet

Tempting is woman’s pleasure.
Reaction to it is man’s pleasure.
To see her is his enjoyment;
To be seen by him is hers.

The Intermediate Halt

A bough dead, the tree is not dead.
A tree dead, its species is not dead.
When the species is extinct
Its family, when the family is extinct

Soul’s Propeller

An infant craves for strokes.
A child craves for attention.
An adolescent craves for recognition.
An adult craves for identity.

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