Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Love And Hate Are Parallel

Love, passion and lust are the hues of light.
Hate, hatred and rage are the shades of night.
No light without shadow; no love without hate.
Love and hate are parallel and coexist.

Man Is A Choice Maker.

Man is an infinite choice maker.
He makes choices at every step
And moves away from or close
To something, and rises or falls.

The Flame Stops Burning.

What happen to the flame in the candle
When it is put out, will happen to the soul
When the body is slain; in both, burning stops.
No question of escaping the soul at death.

Get Out Of The Myth

Fire will burn things; air will fill the space.
God will save you; hell will warn you.
Which are the truths and which, the faith?
Faith is not truth; get out of the myth.

To Exist And To Exit

I had been concerned
About how to exist.
At the end I worry
About how I'll exit.

Fate Cannot Be Overcome

One's influence overpowered
By an external influence
From an unexpected quarter,
One succumbs to it, which is fate.

Woman's Fragrance

Lotus is blessed with a countenance.
Jasmine is blessed with a strong fragrance.
Fragrance in woman is sexiness,
A reflection of high level of hormones.

Fashion Visits Anew.

My daughter discarded
What my wife wore, as out of fashion.
What she wears as fashion
Was what my grandmother wore.

Lower The Standard

Touch up and make up appeal raw eyes.
Exaggeration is made for dull brains.
Simplification is made for low minds.
Mass appeal means the lowered standard.

For The Least Worries

Achievement is satisfaction
But to a few,
Satisfaction is achievement.

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