Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Write What You Want To Say.

Writing is the beast way of expression.
I don't feel shy to spell out my love to her.
I don't feel humiliated when I beg.
I'm not embarrassed to seek one's pardon.

All In A Web

Equal and opposite forces are at work.
Each organism is connected.
Each nonliving thing is connected.
Nothing exists in the isolation.

The Veil And The Mask

Virtue wears a veil, out of modesty.
Vice wears a mask, out of secrecy.
The wise detect the mask from the veil.
The majority mistakes each for the other.

Male's Action Matters.

To have sex with robots is not far away.
It would not be abhorrent anymore.
An improvement of sexual apparatus;
A replacement of masturbation;

No Foes Biologically

Cat and tiger vary in degree
But unite by a kind.
Cat and rat vary in degree
But unite by a kind.

Saint Designate

If you feel no loss when you lose,
If you feel no hurt when you're hurt
And if you feel no rage when usurped
Then you are Saint designate.

Change Of Guard

The plaited hair gave way for a chignon;
The low neck blouse is made a close neck one.
A plain silk sari in the place the voile;
A poise look replacing the inmate's look;

Grow With The Age.

Don't grow old till you have been wise.
Don't grow wild till you have been just.
Don't grow mad till you have been rational.
Don't get mature till your mind has matured.

I.Q. Alone Matters Not.

A high I. Q. is redundant to grow rich.
It is one of factors to reach the top.
Luck matters the most and E. Q. comes next.
Diligence and perseverance matter.

The Way To Perdition

To keep promises, to keep commitments,
To please some ones and to boost one's ego
A man is tempted to use evil means.
Such ones are on the way to perdition.

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