Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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No Stigma To Sex

Sexual attractions are involuntary.
It is born unasked; you can abort it.
Man is not to blame when he loves women.
Woman is not to blame when she loves men.

Let Us Empathize

Beauties are there; blinds too;
Melodies are there; the deaf too;
Singers are there; the dumb too;
Dancers are there; lames too.

That Is Big To One Which Is Small.

The candle flame is bright in a dark room.
The electric light is dimmer in the day.
A shrub looks bigger to a pine seedling.
An oak is not big to the adult pine.

Bridge The Gap.

Bridge the gap between the brain and the heart,
The words and the deeds, freedom and duty,
Skills and succour and money and mercy.
Else, you are useless to the society.

Sweet To Be Sweet

Secrets are sweet when leaked out.
Loving is sweet when it’s shown.
Revenge is sweet with doer known.
The sweet, not tasted, is not sweet.

Intentions Of The Causes.

Hurt by words or looks, I get no wounds but pain.
Hurt by bites in love, I get wounds without pain.
Hurt from surgery, I get wounds without anger.
Effects are modified by the intentions.

Death Is Not Felt

Death is not experienced by the diseased.
To register death, brain is not alive.
The world and the time are not in knowing.
No dead person knows that he/she has been dead.

The Doctor Is The God

A doctor must give the same attention
To the poor one as he does for the rich.
He’s held next to the God by the both patients.
Doctors! You’re the God’s representative.

Two Types Of Love

Two types of love man is longing for.
To love someone by a surrender.
It can be a mother or a God.
To love someone from sexual urge.

How Does Human Race Last?

Man believes in human value.
He believes in any friendships.
He wants peace with fellow beings.
These overcome his shortcomings.

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