Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Speculation Defined

Buying for the day use
Or in bulks at less price
Is not speculation.
If bought fearing rise

Love Is Slippery

Love thrives in proximity
And dies from intimacy.
You will lose it on under - use.
You will leave it on overuse.

The Burden To Be

Burden will eat passion.
You are sweet to one
Till you turn a burden.
Then you’ll be left to rot.

The Ocean Of Pleasure

Loving a woman is a sea of pleasure.
Longing for her is much more, an ocean.
A triumph over her will leave it to dry.
Rejection by her will evaporate it.

Don’t Tell It Openly

Tell me that you love my studs or bangles
Instead of saying that you love my flesh,
Which is true and which would make me blush.
You should not make me feel cheap in your eyes..

Rise To Occasion

Corruption abounds. I am used to it.
Cheats prevail. I am used to it.
Exploitations spread. I am used to it.
Fidelity dwindles. I must be used to it.

The Spirit Of The Game

While watching a game, unless you take side
You won’t find interest in watching it.
You find some reasons to fevour a side.
Else you can't enjoy the spirit of the game.

A Little Fake In Tears

Her daughter was about to go abroad
With her newly married husband.
She wept and allowed her tears flow high,
More to show others her sentiments.

Men'Re Ungrateful

Woman eludes men,
Intending them to pursue her.
Woman denies men,
Intending them to plead her.

Who Is Responsible?

Who are responsible for corruption:
The people or the Government?
Both but the latter is the prime accused.
Who are responsible for adultery:

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