Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Evil And The Devil

I deserted my wife as I suspected her.
I courted a woman, a known harlot.
Chastity helps woman to cling to a man,
But not to stop him from falling for someone.

The Apparent Virtue

To gratify one’s ego
Or to pacify one’s guilt or both,
One drains one’s time and purse,
And seams to the mass as generous.

Change Is The Constant

Desire is fire of life.
It does not die, and change the object.

Falling Lame

I dreamt of becoming an actor,
Lured by the romantic field,
Lured by the airs they’d wield.
I dreamt of becoming a writer

Love Lost Matters Nil.

I had lost my wealth in a gamble; I wept.
I had lost my son in a battle; I wept.

The Nail And The Flesh

The couple must not be
Too close as nail and flesh
To feel tense that two sitting
Too close in a seat feel.

Be Love A Fluid

Love must be waves of sea
That hit the shores of souls,
The melting ice that wets the hearts,
The tepid water that sooths the nerves

Interests Clash

To eat, not to be eaten and
To beat, not to be beaten
Are one’s basic interests.

Seers And Rogues

A seer is a diamond as a whole
And yet might harbour raw carbon.
A rogue is a raw carbon in total

Man Is Erect When In Woman’s Palm

A touch, a press, a kiss and an embrace,
A man must employ upon a woman
And not vice versa for the lust of both.
She kicks him, when she holds his in her palm.

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