Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Flirting / Haikou

To flirt with women

Sexual Feelings Rank

Be sexy; feel sexy; look sexy;
Find sexiness in opposite genders.
Read and write about romance.
Sexual feelings supply energy.

Affairs / Haikou

Every affair
Is a storm in the tea cup
When it is over.

Honesty And Security

I would not have been as honest as I'm
Had I not been given an assured job,
An assured scale and an assured pension.
Honesty is linked to security.

Pathos And Passions

When you get pity for a woman
You fail to see sexiness in her.
When you find a woman sexy
You don't accommodate pity.

No Universal Coexistence

Coexistence can be taught among wolves.
Coexistence can be taught among sheep.
Can it be taught among both together?
Man made laws for man and not for the world

To Become A Poet

He's declared that he is a poet.
He attends poets' meet with a fee.
His poems are published for a cost.
He's a poet with his poems unread.

Forbidden Kisses [adult]

Woman's lower lip is more sensuous.
Clamp your lips around it and press it lightly.
She would melt against you and cling to you.
Clamp your teeth around it and pull it gently.

Bring Up Good Stalks

Be a role model to your children.
Train them in vegetarian food.
Teach them yoga and scriptures.
Coach them music, dance, arts or sports.

Your Prowess Up [adult]

Place the woman's arms on either side
Under your elbows and then feed on her.

Hoist her hands up over her head
Under your palm and then browse on her.

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