Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Music And Vision Gives Kicks

Only two things can stupefy,
Women and Music, a twin barrel.
A decent woman and a melody
Can take me to Heaven.

Mind In Sex Is Supreme

Union of mind, not followed
By union of body,
Still sustains pleasure.
Union of body, not accompanied

The Calving Cow Is More A Beauty

Dear Aditi Gowtrikar,
You are Mrs. World 2001.
Before you were crowned,
I knew you as a model

To Hold A Beauty

I desire to hear
How best the things are
That I wear or keep.
That is why I spend.

Poorness Is The Thickness

How close we were once as naked kids.
How near we were then as poorly clothed.

A Fool’s Paradise.

Democracy is a fool’s paradise,
Where things are decided by majority.
The ruling party is immune to law.
Three cats and two rats will decide their menu.

Thirty Five Is Still Young.

A wish merits by where from it comes.
The news gains importance by its source.
A wish from the pet is not the least.
A wish to the pet can be the best.

Voters'Re Majestic

To give and forgive
the one who have got
from you and forgot,
is an act of majesty

Any Woman To Man

A woman who has looks but no love
Is as good as an apparatus.

Not To Blame

If someone has stolen something from you
Or if someone has eloped with your spouse
What would it mean other than that
They had needed them more than you did?

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