Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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We Get That We Deserve.

Don’t Be Selfish.

You must love to be loved.
You must help to be helped.
You must rescue to be rescued.
These are tendencies inherited.

Evil Is Good

My hatred for one begets pity for the other.
My hatred for one fetches love for the other.
My hatred for one begets surrender to the other.
My hatred is evil that balances with good.

The Fulfillment Of Life

Byproduct of hatred is pity.
Product of pity is love.
The result of love is sacrifice.
Sacrifice is the fulfillment of life.

My Hut

My house in a slum is a hut.
To it I return every night.
In it lives as grown stale my mate.
My hut and my mate are a safe bet

Friendship Across The Sex

Some physical antipathy
A woman must have with a man
To have a lasting relationship,
Unblemished with sexual stints.

The Destiny

The past is not the future.
Tomorrow is not yesterday.
Experience is just guidance.
Experience is not recurrence.

Sexual Act’s Uniqueness

Only in a sexual act,
To feed, to be fed
To feed on and to be fed on
Are amounting to pleasure.

Darwin And Lincoln - An Ovation

Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln
Are, this year, two hundred years old.
Darwin’s theory shocked the religions.
Lincoln’s democracy shook the nations.

Less Pollination


The man who is mean [money]
Repels women.

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