Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Cost Of The Conquests

With every conquest you put on weight.
With every conquest grudges would mount.
The built up grudges will finish you off..
Must you reap happiness by such conquests?

The Universal Asset

We don’t know the beauty of love
Till we have lost it.
Love is a universal asset
Available to all beings.

Success Is Immaterial.

Love is felt
When in pursuit
With sweet hope
And when lost,

Habits Are Comforts

To listen to the tunes that
Your ears are trained on,
To look at things that
Your eyes are trained on,

Everyone Is A Beggar


Money is the sinews of fame, not merit.
Money is the sinews of romance, not love.

How Sweet!

My spouse is distinct from his/her parents. How sweet!
My spouse is distant from his/her siblings. How sweet!
My spouse is not befriending opposite sex. How sweet!
To keep her/him in my custody- how sweet!

One Is Good When In Comfort

I am not harmful as long as you’re harmless.
I am not spiteful as long as you are respectful.
I am not mean as long as you are generous.
Each one wants the other to be like that.

The Path Leads One.

On my way in the path
When I met the first fork,
I took at random an arm [of the fork]
Which led me to the next fork,

Wife Is A Property

It is her heart that I loved first’
Then the flesh and the child she bore.
She is my property, I must take care.
I buy things for her and in her name


You may pray for longevity.
You may pray for progeny.
You may pray to undo sins.
Results irrelevant, you feel relieved.

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