Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Reality Of Literature

Poetry and prose contain lies.
The poetry has lies unbelievable.
The prose has lies undoubtable
The one without such lies

Man, The Unfortunate

A tiger is on run on a tigress
To quench its lust.
A cock is on chase after a hen
When it is in heat.

Taste Waxes And Wanes

A full moon strikes you
But it will wane soon.
A new moon is out of sight
But it will wax later.

Save The Deer

Tigers are there; deer are there.
Tigers eat deer and deer exist.
Guilt is the tiger and adultery, the deer.
Adultery will not go extinct.

Is The End Death?

For one that is born,
Death is certain.
For one that is dead,
Is birth certain?

No Permanent Lover

When each dress I bought
I thought it was the best
That I had ever bought.
When each woman I love

Test Your Tolerance

The joint family system has cracked.
To the nuclear family has come to stay.
The couple will use separate bedrooms.
Tolerance is on decline.The stress, too.

Love Flows Upwards

Often you get love from
Those who less deserve
While you set yourself to
Those who you less deserve.

The Left Behind Is The Casualty

The lover is sad
When he leaves his sweet heart.
He will be sadder
When she vacates the premises

Aim High, To Live High

Having chased a bull is more a valour
Than capturing a mule.
Having aimed at a lion is more chivalrous
Than maiming a hare.

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